Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Wild boars
On our most recent trip, we came across a dozen in the middle of the day. While I have always seen some pigs on occasion or seen evidence of them, they are so overpopulated now I have seen no less than 10 on every visit to the ranch! We have been working to 'thin out' some of the pigs. Such is life on a ranch.
Monday, September 08, 2008
The reason I do this is two fold (or four fold). First, its the best way I can get them together and check on everyone. The other is so when I have to gather them, my job is easy. You see, instead of having to chase cows across the land, through brush and rocky hillsides, they are spoiled and want hay. We just honk the horn, toss out a little hay and they come following into the corrals. Usually we only need a horse or two or a quad to follow up the straglers in the rear. You see this also alows me to be lazier and not work as hard. Lastly, the cows need a little extra supplement this time of year.
We are in a draught and the grass is lean this year, so I typically give them hay once or twice a week to supplement. The lake is low, so this time they decided to take a 'short cut!'
We are finally getting settled into the house. We are now into month 11 of the remodel. Most of the interior is done except for the 4th bathroom which make be years before we have the energy to rip out tile and tackle it. Its a 4th bathroom, it doesnt really matter as much. It serves its function of bathroom off the laundry room and bathroom for the pool.
Here is the front living room. Its cozy and serves as the tv (inside the armoire) with the Wii, all Wii games and the pool table is next to this living room area. You can see the corner of the pool table in the below photo. I wish dh had hung the picture above the couch a little lower, but again, oh well. I need something for the big blank wall next to the armoire.
Here is the entry. It is barron and I am far from being happy with it. Any thoughts? I love the art and the console table, but otherwise it is boring and drab.
Here is my messing living room. Can you tell I was doing laundry, vaccuuming and the puppy bed and toys are here? This is my reality. I love this rug and couch though. I need to add another couch in here and have been strugging to find one that 'goes' with the couch and rug. I think I found this one I think will work.
Here is the all important TV and bar area. I can see this tv from the kitchen, which I love. My old kitchen was in an old house isolated with swing doors on both ends of the kitchen to keep me in my place. I love that I can be making dinner and watching Oprah or House Hunters or something equally important! As you can see, yesterday it was the Bears beating Dallas.
This has been my biggest headache. I can not figure out how to decorate this monter without it looking cluttered. On the very top I am going to put my antique saddles (once I clean them). I am pretty happy with the top shelf. Thank you Target for your 75% off clearance items. The rest seems like a cluttered mess to me. Any thoughts?
Finally, for today, here is our kitchenette. This table is pushed against the wall with a bench underneath. I can pull it out and put 8 kids there if need be. If I were insane, that is.
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Skyfires Hall of Fame "COOPER"
I also believe that the rules for the dog start now. If you dont want an 80 pound big hairy black lab with muddy paws jumping on you, then dont allow a 10 pound puppy to. If they know from the get go that it isnt allowed, then it doesnt take headaches and tons of training. Teach the manners from the beginning. No snapping for food, no getting on things you dont want them to. I love positive distraction. If the pup starts after something I dont want him to chew on, I give him his chewie.
More to come with my trials in puppyhood.