Isn't his face funny? He really enjoys burping and sliming you with his sand paper tongue.
Curly is almost always in slow gear, except when he escapes. Do you know how comical it is to watch a big fat big bellied steer run and buck?
Ally was practicing showing Curly and he started snoring while she set him up.
Ally took him for a walk today and Curly taught her a lesson I had tried to explain to her, but she didn't 'get' it, so he thought it would be a good idea to show her what I meant when I said keep two hands on the rope because he will try to jerk his head away from you and yank the rope out of your hands. Thanks Curly for demonstrating this to Ally. He proceeded to run back to the corrals like a convict who just escaped prison. No need to worry though, we slowly walked back to the corrals where Curly was waiting for us so he could have his mid afternoon snack.
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